Best Wine Investments

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Contributor, Benzinga
June 17, 2024

Investing in wine is a unique and increasingly popular alternative investment strategy that has caught the attention of both seasoned investors and newcomers looking to diversify their portfolios. The appeal of investing in wine lies in its potential for high returns, as fine wines tend to increase in value over time due to limited production, increasing global demand, and the scarcity of certain vintages. Unlike traditional investment options, wine offers tangible assets that can be enjoyed and collected, making it a more personal and enjoyable investment choice for many.

Investing in wine offers a unique combination of financial potential, aesthetic pleasure, and cultural significance, making it an attractive option for those looking to expand their investment horizons. By approaching wine investing with careful research, guidance from experts, and a passion for the art of winemaking, investors can potentially reap the benefits of a growing and dynamic market while also indulging in the timeless delights of fine wine tasting and collecting.

Is Wine a Solid Investment?

It absolutely can be! A great bottle of wine can increase exponentially in value over the years. When done right and with enough capital, you can buy a good vintage by the caseload, store it for a few years while the price appreciates and then sell it off at a substantial profit when the wine reaches peak maturity and becomes scarce enough that the remaining bottles can be sold at a premium.

With that said, it does require a strong sense of spotting investment-grade wines and the right storage facilities to ensure that bottles don’t spoil or break before you can sell them. You’ll also need to take out insurance on your wine to protect against the risk of loss due to natural disasters or other threats. That insurance policy is an ongoing cost that might not pay off if you’re not generating a healthy return from your collection.

It also requires a relatively high amount of capital to see any kind of real return. If you’re doing it as a hobby, buying and selling a couple of cases per year is fine. But if you’re trying to generate real growth and offset the risk of a particular wine not appreciating in value as much as you expected, you’ll need to be able to buy and sell in much larger quantities.

Benefits of Investing in Wine

Some of the benefits of investing in wine include:

  • Long-term appreciation: One of the key benefits of investing in wine is its potential for long-term appreciation in value. Fine wines have a proven track record of increasing in value over time, often outperforming traditional investment options such as stocks or bonds. This can provide investors with a hedge against inflation and market volatility.
  • Tangible nature: Another advantage of wine investment is its tangible nature, as investors can physically own and store their assets. Unlike digital assets or paper investments, wine provides a direct connection to a valuable and consumable product. Wine also has a limited supply, with certain vintages becoming increasingly rare as they age, leading to an increase in value. This scarcity factor can drive up prices, especially for highly sought-after wines from prestigious regions.
  • Rewarding experience: investing in wine can also be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for wine enthusiasts. It allows investors to explore a passion for wine while potentially earning a lucrative return on their investment. Furthermore, investing in wine can offer a sense of luxury and exclusivity, as well as opportunities for networking and socializing within the wine industry.

Risks of Investing in Wine

It's essential for investors to be aware of the risks involved in this alternative investment option.

  • Volatility: One significant risk is the inherent volatility of the wine market, which can be influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, changes in consumer preferences, and global events like tariffs and regulations. Fluctuations in demand and supply can also impact wine prices, making it a risky investment for those seeking stability.
  • Lack of liquidity: Another risk to consider when investing in wine is the lack of liquidity compared to more traditional investment options. Wine is not a highly liquid asset, meaning it can be challenging to sell quickly without experiencing significant price fluctuations or incurring high transaction costs.
  • High initial investment: Unlike more traditional investment options, such as stocks or bonds, investing in wine often demands a significant upfront cost. This is primarily due to the unique nature of the wine market, where high-quality, rare bottles can fetch premium prices.

What are Investment-Grade Wines?

To become a wine investor, you can’t build your collection out of just any wine. You need to look for investment-grade wines. These are wines that have a reasonable potential of increasing in value over the years. Not every wine has the potential to age well or is of a high enough quality to become more expensive as the number of bottles available gets scarcer. Here are the basic characteristics of an investment-grade wine:

  • Longevity: All wines produced have a peak maturity date. This is when the wine’s flavor profile is considered to be the most developed and at its best. For some wines, this happens in just a few months to 1 year. For others, it can take a decade or longer. As an investor, you want a wine with longevity so that you have time to let the price appreciate before it reaches peak maturity and needs to be sold. Ideally, an investment wine won’t peak for at least 10 years from bottling.
  • Price appreciation: To be a good investment, you need some assurance that you can sell this wine for more than you paid. A key metric for evaluating that is price appreciation (the increase in price over time). You can track the price history of specific vintages or previous vintages from the same producer to look for wines that have a strong record of continuously increasing prices. Ideally, look for vintages or producers that can show at least 10 years of continuous price appreciation.
  • Production quantity: Production quantity is one of the trickier criteria to assess. On one hand, the rarer a particular wine is, the higher the price it can command. On the other hand, with extremely small batch productions, you might not be able to buy enough to see a substantial return. That is, you’ll make a higher profit selling 1,000 bottles of reasonably high-demand wine than you will selling 10 bottles of an incredibly scarce one. There are no set criteria here, unfortunately, but wine is generally produced in batches ranging from just 50 cases to 20,000 cases or more. Where your comfort zone is on that spectrum depends on your particular investment goals and will likely take a little trial and error to find.
  • Producer pedigree: Wine prices are heavily influenced by reputation. You can charge more for champagne produced in the Champagne region than you can for the exact same sparkling wine made from the same grape in another region. The same goes for any other wine varietal. The reputation of the winery that produced it — and the region it was grown and produced in — will play a major role in what kind of prices that bottle can command. Familiarize yourself with the market and investigate the reputation of any producer before you make an investment.
  • Critical consensus: The taste of wine is largely subjective, but the industry is led by reputable critics like “Wine Advocate” and “Wine Spectator,” publications that establish rankings and divvy out points for different wines. For investing purposes, look for wines with a rating of “classic” or higher or an average of 95 points or more on a 100-point scale.

Can You Invest in Wineries?

Yes, you can! There are a lot of ways to invest in wineries. For the least amount of hands-on work, you can simply buy shares in the stock of a successful winery. If you want to be a little more involved, you can look into crowdfunding or private equity opportunities where you invest directly into the winery. You can also take the leap and buy a winery outright to produce wines yourself.

Wine Investment Funds

For those who don’t have the storage capacity or conditions to maintain a large collection, investing in funds that include wine stocks as part of their underlying assets can be an easier and lower-risk way to invest in the market.

While there aren’t any funds made up exclusively of wine stocks, there are some that are heavily exposed to the industry. Most often, these are alcohol exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or beverage ETFs.

These ETFs can be a great way to gain exposure to the wine industry without needing to bet on any specific bottle or specific company. So, if you’re not passionate about wine or not willing to risk your finances on your expertise, you can check out the following wine investment funds.


Vinovest is an alternative investment platform that allows you to invest in expertly curated wine portfolios that are securely stored in world-class wine storage facilities. The company has three investment offerings, with each having its own account minimums ranging from $1,000 to $250,000 depending on the types of wine investments you want access to.

Turn Your Love for Wine into a Profitable Investment

If the idea of attending wine auctions and going to tastings at reputable vineyards sounds like the most luxurious way to earn an income and you’ve got the capital to get started, becoming a professional wine investor could be a great decision. The next step is to decide how much capital you’re willing to invest and what goals you hope to achieve. In the meantime, feel free to stop by Benzinga again as you explore your investment options.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best wine for long term investment?

Wines from regions such as Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Napa Valley are often considered top choices for long-term investment due to their prestige and track record of increasing in value.

How profitable is wine investment?

The profitability of wine investment can vary depending on various factors such as the type of wine, the producer, the vintage, and the overall market trends. It also depends on the investor’s knowledge and understanding of the market. Unlike traditional financial markets, the wine market is not as volatile and tends to provide stable returns over the long term.

Is wine a better investment than stocks?


Whether wine or stocks make a better investment largely depends on individual preferences and risk appetite. While wine may offer unique benefits such as tangibility and potential appreciation, stocks provide liquidity and the potential for higher returns.