
Importance of Making Informed Decisions About Insurance

Understanding Purposes and Requirements for Insurance

Explaining Coverage Types and How to Choose

Looking for the best insurance policies to protect yourself from financial worry now and in the future? Whether you're looking for coverage for your car, health, home or even your crypto, use our guides to keep in-the-know about the best insurance providers.

Learn about the latest trends in insurance and insurtech, shop policies and get quotes in Benzinga's one-stop-shop for all things insurance.

Latest Headlines

Best Food Truck Insurance

Sarah Horvath

July 22nd, 2024

Best Food Truck Insurance

Food truck insurance offers protection to business owners who operate food trucks. Here are the best food truck insurance options.
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Best Workers Comp Insurance for Self Employed

Best Workers Comp Insurance for Self Employed

Eric Huffman

July 22nd, 2024

Are you self employed but still need workers comp insurance? Check out where to get the best workers compensation insurance here.
Gym Insurance

Gym Insurance

Jeannine Mancini

July 22nd, 2024

Secure your gym or fitness studio with tailored gym insurance. Mitigate risks and safeguard your business against potential liabilities and damages.
Workers Comp Calculator

Workers Comp Calculator

Maurice Draine

July 22nd, 2024

Use our workers comp calculator to estimate your annual premium. See the best workers compensation insurance companies and get a custom quote.